If I had a million dollars

How would my dream life as a minimalist look like?

First of all I bought my dream of a thatched house because my life goal always has been having my own little farm.  It includes an animal shelter for rescued animals. We furthermore planted a veggie garden and an orchard to achieve a self-sufficient, minimalist and zero-waste lifestyle.

I love to offer animal therapy, yoga and meditation. In my retreat center we offer courses in creativity, spirituality, burnout prevention, exit strategies, gardening and digital detox. Additionally to that I envision scout groups and maybe environmental education for kids. Overall it seems like I created a little paradise island everybody loves to visit.

Besides running different courses and retreats I also continue working with my ethically engaged clients all over the world. I only leave my dream island to travel for on site workshops.

I love for people to being able to do daily yoga and meditation, go horseback riding,  explore the calming effect of garden work and playing piano and other instruments.

In my dream life I wake up with birds singing, having the love of my life in and my dog beside my bed. I meditate in the morning before feeding the animals and having a delicious smoothie for breakfast. After my morning routine I coordinate my team of specialists and welcome our guests. The day continues with switching between my daily activities and plan out our retreats and courses.

My little farm is my sacred place.

I find quiet time and peace between all the amazing people visiting. My family is visiting all the time and I also get to spend a lot of time with my favourite people.

Above all we connect and educate, we teach how to be mindful and resourceful, live a minimalistic, sustainable and zero waste life. We offer guidance and shelter, a home and a family.

What would you do with a million dollars?

If I had a million dollars – How would I design my life? What would I do with my days?

Business Goals

For me there is no other way than being passionate about what I do.

Life is too short to fill your private life or your business with things that you don’t like doing.

I’m passionate about living mindfully, which includes conscious consumption, being 98% vegan, working towards zero waste, slow and local travel and practicing compassion for myself, other living beings and the environment.
In my business I want to work with socially conscious and ethically engaged businesses who are passionate about the good work they are doing, the change they are contributing to and the movement they want to create.

I help them grow their business through strategic marketing to bring their message to more of the right people, touch their hearts with their story and make them part of the movement they are creating.


That’s my #missionmango


... and welcome to Mission Mango!

Wow, I made it. 

Finished my first self-made website. 

So proud!!!

Are you a passionate, socially conscious and ethically engaged entrepreneur like me?


We should talk!

I would love to hop on a quick virtual coffee chat with you to get to know you, your business, your values and how I can help you get more attention for the good work you are doing.